From January 16 to 19, COEX, SEOUL
Which is located in Gangnam, the heart of Seoul, known for 'Gangnam Style' globally
to extend the global art market with high-quality artworks demanding public empathy by inviting enthusiastic art collectors and audiences.
WORLD ART EXPO SEOUL 2025 is highly sectioned in line with emerging artists with master artists from domestically and internationally including acclaimed galleries around the globe which brings together over 130 booths that will feature excellent artwork to aim distinctive with details compared to other art fairs that will be good opportunity to explore and create the new market with us to sell your high-quality artwork with a stunning tour of Seoul, Korea by encountering the audience and artists, Particularly, this year we will be focused on the array the fabulous artwork and sales to audience with special strategies as well, a lot of diverse programs with fun and useful for your successful art event, you'll never regret its result if you join us. For there, we'll do our best for your profitable participation without breathing with our dedication. Therefore, we are confident we will be making a great success through the new partnership. Hope anybody who ever comes, and enjoys this fabulous art event.
월드아트엑스포(World Art Expo)는
국제조형예술협회 (IAA International Association of Art)는 예술가들의 사회적, 경제적 자유와 지위를 보호하는데 목적을 둔 세계적인 유네스코(UNESCO) 협력기구입니다.
월드아트엑스포는 국제조형예술협회(IAA)와 함께하는 다양성과 창의성이 넘치는 글로벌 아트페어로, 세계 각국에서 주목받고 있는 예술가들이 참여하여 다양한 장르의 미술 작품을 한자리에 모아 선보입니다.
월드아트엑스포는 현대미술의 미래를 이끌어갈 국내외 많은 작가들과 다양한 작품들을 통해서 새로운 감동을 경험할 수 있습니다.
